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Player From Team Picked by Day Put on Waivers Day Removed from Waivers

No Player on Waivers

Waiver Order

1 - Helsinki Wolves
2 - Halifax Lumberjacks
3 - New York Warriors
4 - Ottawa Trappers
5 - Vegas Blackjacks
6 - San Francisco Eagles
7 - Oakland Stallions
8 - Toronto Redhawks
9 - Denver Vikings
10 - Quebec Frontenacs
11 - Chicago Deejays
12 - Munich Griffin
13 - Los Angeles Tridents
14 - Jacksonville Reptiles
15 - New Orleans Kings
16 - Philadelphia Admirals
17 - Nashville Bull Riders
18 - Sacramento Spartans
19 - Paris Bisons
20 - Houston Warbirds
21 - Boston Knuckleheads
22 - Texas Takers
23 - Orlando Warthogs
24 - Miami Storm
25 - Brooklyn Street Dogs
26 - Hollywood Heroes
27 - Salt Lake City Lions
28 - Montreal Blizzard